Can you start your business without marketing? , possible but at one limit it will stop growing. It needs to start promotion and awareness about your services among the people. New people never visit or purchase a product that you want to sell or provide any service.

Nowadays every professional uses this marketing fundamental and applies it to grow their profession like doctors, engineers, and designers and so on. To reach your goal and reach to the audience using marketing offline or online to acquire more customers and take a follow up of customers to get more your reach. 

Reach to customers is not possible without communication, so you keep strong communication, and trust on them to promote you to other customers. Also keep track with their behaviour and their expectation to collect feedback from there to update or upgrade your services and make provision at your side. Use some special follow-up for using a marketing funnel to explore more ideas and other geographical areas with a way of communication whatever you choose the way to continue reaching everyone. Distinguish between you and your business as a brand building.

Yes, in this article all marketing processes will be discussed here to perform all tasks about business growth, this article useful for start-ups, freelancers, professionals and mentors also.

My friend, marketing is not a creativity, it is based on science. Because every business or service has one type of dream and everyone wants to grow it, expand it and profit with a larger customer base. Which marketing tactics works better with personalized and measurable to get your customer or lead for particular business or services? Let’s start,

1. Know your niche 

You try to understand your customer and their needs then you are able to reach them and you will be getting ideas about building products or services. 

If you are already running a business, you should keep your existing customers by communication for a lifetime and acquire new customers.

2. Build a Brand

Build yourself as a brand among the audience, they should know you and your product or services.

To reach the audience’s mind, start promoting before create your product or service from day one via email, social media and blogs to communicate with them for convenience. They will like your content and are interested in your product or services also. People may notice you and your services.

3. Communication skill

You will become a brand. Your reach will be growing means you are good in communication and convenience to the audience about your product or services.

But you have to maintain your momentum till last then don’t compromise with your product or services it will sell itself.

It will be possible due to your good communication, you will be able read the mind of the targeted audience and will have a good customer base.

4. Digital Marketing Vs Traditional marketing

All services available are computer based where you can buy and sell products or services, and in this Digital era it can be operated and run by anywhere across the world. You need to update with your goal and more profit.

Digitally connect through your customer and audience, different products or services have different audiences, customers and their needs. Reach a particular audience using a digital communication medium like email, blog and some paid ads to get leads for you.

You should write your content and share through email and blog after reading it such as marketing, try conversion as lead and subscribers for you.Reach a particular audience using a digital communication medium like email, blog and some paid ads to get leads for you.

You should write your content and share through email and blog after reading it such as marketing, try conversion as lead and subscribers for you.Share this content through some social media like linkedin, facebook and so on you will get a number of email and name (Niche).

You can use paid advertisements like google and facebook. Online marketing is all about awareness and visibility using search engine or reference by website application to your targeted customer. It is a good investment in marketing because it gives us direct income, try it yourself, not outsource it especially as a founder and as a good learner it will secure your career for lifelong because you are going to invest time and energy.

 Some generic product businesses want to reach a wide targeting audience through traditional Marketing like tv ads, Newspaper, radio and landing page also. Visualisation and animated advertisement is low cost. There will be product variation with lack of personalized communication, natural sales and not measurable.

  5. Integrated Marketing

It is a smart process of marketing or you can consider it as marketing automation tactics. It will help to track your customer and follow up with the proper way using some good platform available but this use by larger established businesses.  

As a start-up and small business or services owner can do it by themselves, using their contents about their service can share through email, and blogs your content reach your targeted audience. They liked it and share through their communication medium then you are getting new leads. You can use paid advertising.

It will be optimised by search engines that content generates good rank through content keywords and optimised search engines it helps to generate more leads to your business or services.

And also using social media share content it reaches a new audience and interested people subscribe to it to generate more leads. Using all sharing content and followup will become easy and convert them to perform actions to subscribe.

Integrated marketing is all together digital communication via email, blog, paid advertisement and social media help to increase conversion of customers to perform action because people build trust in you. 

6 Marketing Funnel

If you want personalized and measurable activity in marketing then apply or adopt Marketing funnel contents, attention, trust and transaction.

You are a good writer or thinker then write more content which will be liked by the audience and your targeted customer and attract them in your blog and email to customer, they should like it, subscribe to it, and leave comments on it.

Run drive using your contents in social media and SEO, also run paid online ads and referral offers to your targeted audience. They can share your content and attention.

Build trust with your audience and customer by communication, automation marketing and retargeting customers. Because existing and new customers can trust in your content, services they can refer you with mouth publicity or sharing your contents.

Now you can convert your audience into customers or leads, they will perform transactions using your sales page of your product or service. Marketing funnel is used to create wealth using webinar, email or any interaction events.

 7. Personal Branding

You have to be good in your skill, it will never cheat you or it will not leave you alone.

You become best to beat all distractions and move forward to achieve your goal, supporting sharing your content frequently.

You will be a brand ambassador for your company or business, growing the value of your business and becoming proud to your customer also. at any downside  not impact on personal brand, upside it will grow their value so any number of companies you have like Elon Musk and Ratan Tata both having a lot of followers.

Personal branding is a trust among the people (Mass Trust), it is simple but not so easy a lot of work you have to do building a personal brand.

Learn new skills in detail, understand the concept, remember facts and do more practice as it progresses or procedure. It takes more time to become confident with skill, maybe month & year.

Work on your skill, learn from conceptual practice and try it to implement and get the result of practice. You can implement at real time working in a job or as freelance or owner of business. It will better understand real time experiments.

Blog post on your skill, write good content weekly or twice in a week. Contents may include your learning and experience while implementation found some magic result or any mistake. Learn and work your better understanding about skill and your content like by people, they become your follower and build trust to you.

Consult others based on your skill and experience you write in the blog, learn the fundamentals of marketing through your experience contents. Some companies can come to you to ask for consultancy to their business or service, you can charge for your service.

 Mentor others your skill. Those people want to become like you, it will help to explore yourself at a new level like all fundamental and some problems faced by others and you will try to resolve to understand it. You may do it one to one or in groups mentoring the skill.

Then start your own business or services throughout the complete cycle of personal branding because people know you, they trust you, confident about your skills and your experience and problem solving approach it, then you can start a new venture or add vertical, it will be good for you and to your business or services.


In this article , discuss starting a business or services  by startup, freelancing, professionals and designers who want to grow their reach to maximum audience or customer can understand marketing methodology, importance of integrated marketing and marketing funneling  and personal branding how to achieve goals through use and implement to their business or services.

I hope this article inspires you.

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